Introduction: Today, as students across the nation receive their A-Level, T-Level, and VTQ results, they embark on various pathways, including university admissions, employment, apprenticeships, and other opportunities. Understanding the statistics behind university admissions and qualification results is crucial, especially considering the unique grading approach this year. Here’s what the data tells us:
University Admissions Statistics:
- 20% more 18-year-olds from England gained a place at their firm choice compared to 2019, post-examination return.
- An increase of 4,260 disadvantaged English 18-year-olds accepted to universities compared to 2019, narrowing the entry rate gap between the most and least advantaged.
- 370 T-Level students secured places in higher education, marking a significant milestone.
- International student placements account for 12.3% of total full-time undergraduate applicants accepted via UCAS, down from 14.7% in 2019.
- The number of students without a place decreased to 20,360 from 24,260 in 2019.
A-Level and AS-Level Grades Data:
- Ofqual’s 2022 grading approach reflects a midpoint between summer 2019 and 2021, with results higher than 2019 but lower than 2021.
- UK A-Level grades show 82.6% at grade C or above, with 36.4% at A and A*.
- Girls continue to outperform boys, with 84.3% of girls’ grades at grade C or above compared to 80.4% of boys’.
- T-Level Grades Insight:
- The first T-Level results reveal a 92.2% pass rate, with 31.9% achieving a Distinction and 2.7% a Distinction*.
Other Qualification Results:
Medium-sized Level 3 VTQs show grades slightly below 2021 levels, while larger VTQs are slightly above. Options for Students:
Students who didn’t achieve their desired grades may still receive offers from their preferred universities.
Seeking advice from schools, colleges, preferred universities, the Exam Results Helpline, or the Get the Jump platform is recommended.
UCAS’s Clearing service helps students secure places on suitable courses dynamically.
Conclusion: As students navigate their post-results options, understanding the data behind university admissions and qualification results is essential. Despite the unique grading circumstances, opportunities abound, and support networks are available to guide students toward their desired paths.
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